Trustees Meeting
January 5, 2005

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session January 5, 2005 at 7:00 PM at the Village Hall. Board Members present were: Connie Boldan-Cerveny, James Cerveny, Dave Mahrt, and Chairman Patrick Cunningham, absent was Brad Graham. 

The meeting notice was posted at Village Hall, Post Office, & Fuel Depot.

The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved, motion by D. Mahrt, 2nd by J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye.

Treasurer’s report was read. Bills presented for the Road Fund $165.57 OPPD (Street Lights), $300.00 Gerald Snodgrass (Snow Removal). Bills presented for the General Fund $79.44 OPPD (Town Hall Lights), $18.94 Plattsmouth Journal,$17.63 Cass County Clerk (Election Publication), $5.00 Nebraska Municipal Clerk’s Association (dues), $40.00 Deb Cunningham (Administrative Fees), $5.00 Brad Cunningham (snow removal), $201.57 Morton Law (ordinance review), motion to pay the bills by D. Mahrt, 2nd by J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. 

Building Permits: None

Inspections Conducted: Report read 

Planning Committee: Need to put together a new committee to review Zoning for Wireless Communication Tower/Self-Service Storage Facility.

Cemetery Board: Deb Cunningham has been appointed to the board.

Review of One and Six Year Road Plan, vote will be at Feb. meeting.

Insurance: Review and renewal motion by D. Mahrt 2nd by C. Cerveny to except and pay $2,944.00.

Town Hall Repairs: update

New Business: 

Correspondences: NDEQ – grant info for Waste Reduction & Recycling. Brochures from DEQ on septic tanks & heat pumps. Western Sand & Gravel – price sheet.

Next Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Motion to adjourn by C. Cerveny, 2nd by J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye.


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