The meeting notice was posted at Village Hall, Post Office, & Fuel Depot. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved, motion by B. Graham, 2nd J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. Treasurer’s report was read. Bills presented for the Road Fund $165.57 OPPD (Street Lights). Bills presented for the General Fund $12.07 OPPD (Town Hall Lights), $27.35 Plattsmouth Journal, $50.00 Deb Cunningham (Administrative Fees), motion to pay the bills C. Cerveny, 2nd J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. Building Permits: John Schrunk, Lot 33, Middle Island, 9 X 30 Addition, motion to approve B. Graham, 2nd C. Cerveny, vote all aye. Chris Haag, Lot 62, North Lake, sun room addition. Motion to approve B. Graham, 2nd J. Cerveny, vote all aye. Brad Graham, 30 X 30 Garage, Motion to approve C. Cerveny, 2nd J. Cerveny. Vote all aye, abstain B. Graham. Inspections Conducted: Report Read Planning Committee: No Report Cemetery Board: No report Town Hall Update: Motion by B. Graham to purchase 2 tables and 12 chairs, 2nd C. Cerveny, Vote all aye. SENDD – Membership Dues of $250.00, motion to pay membership by C. Cerveny, 2nd B. Graham, vote all aye. SENDD – Housing Activities Support of $26.00, motion by C. Cerveny to not support, 2nd J. Cerveny, vote all aye. New Business: JEO sent information for 2005-2006 Street Budget League of Nebraska Municipalities Membership Dues $185.00 motion by C. Cerveny to pay, 2nd B. Graham, vote all aye Correspondences: Nebraska Environmental Partnerships Program Discussion was had on zoning regulations for Lots 1 & 8 Block 6. Next Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 2005 Motion to adjourn B. Graham, 2nd C. Cerveny, Vote all Aye.