VILLAGE OF SOUTH BEND The meeting notice was posted at Village Hall, Post Office, & Fuel Depot. It was noted where the “Open Meetings Act Poster” is posted. Election results were discussed. Vote on Chairman of the Board: Nomination by B. Graham for Pat Cunningham to remain as Chairman, 2 nd byC. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. The minutes of the November meeting was read and approved, motion by D. Mahrt, 2nd by J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. Treasurer's report was read. Bills presented for the Road Fund $170.16 OPPD (Street Lights), $150.00 Gerald Snodgrass (Grading). Bills presented for the General Fund $14.45 OPPD (Town Hall Lights), $28.61 Plattsmouth Journal, $450.00 Rishel & Pfeifer, P.C. (compilation financial statements), $3,999.00 Derby Heating (heater/air), $40.00 Deb Cunningham (Administrative Fees), motion to pay the bills byB. Graham, 2nd by C. Cerveny, Vote all Aye. Building Permits: William Holloran, Lot 49, Middle Island, New Home Construction, motion by B. Graham to accept permit, 2 nd by D. Mahrt, vote all aye. Planning Committee: No Report Town Hall: Heater installed, air will be finished when it warms up. Inspections Conducted: No Report Cemetery Board: No Report New Business: Village Insurance: Renewal of Policy $3,081.00. Motion to renew by C. Cerveny, 2 nd by J. Cerveny, vote all Aye. Motion to decline Terrorism Insurance by D. Mahrt, 2 nd by C. Cerveny. Motion by B. Graham to have Connie Boldan-Cerveny, Deb Cunningham, and Pat Cunningham to be the signatures on the Safe Deposit Box, 2 nd by J. Cerveny, vote all aye. Motion by D. Mahrt to have the streets graded every other month, 2 nd by B. Graham, vote all aye. Motion by D. Mahrt to retain JEO Consulting Group, Inc. from Wahoo, NE as Engineer for 2007, 2 nd by C. Cerveny, Vote all Ayes. Correspondences: Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association (NPZA) discussion to join tabled by B. Graham to get more information 2 nd by D. Mahrt, vote all aye. Next Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, January 3, 2007 Motion to adjourn by D. Mahrt, 2nd by J. Cerveny, Vote all Aye.